Quantum AI

Quantum AI

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Quantum AI

We can say that cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm. It has become popular because of the many innovations that make it easy to transact and trade using this currency.

Of all cryptocurrency innovations in the cryptocurrency world, trading bots are probably the most popular because of how easy they have made it for traders to earn money. These bots help traders take full advantage of all the market opportunities by automating processes that would help maximize trading profits. One of the most popular trading bots is Quantum AI. Everyone who knows their onions knows about Quantum AI and the benefits it offers traders. They claim to make the trading process easier and help traders maximize profits.

That is enough reason to attract novice traders. But what do we know about this bot? Are the promises real? Do they really offer all these benefits? This review offers all the information you need about Quantum AI and answers the question, “Is Quantum AI Trading a scam or legit?”

Quantum AI trading platform Overview

Quantum AI

Introducing Quantum AI: A user-friendly cryptocurrency trading platform with a seamless registration process. Boasting a claimed 90% success rate, it offers a suite of tools for both new and experienced traders. With no fees, regulated brokers, and lightning-fast trade execution, Quantum AI simplifies trading while enhancing accessibility.

Price: 250

Price Currency: USD

Operating System: Web-based, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, OSX, macOS, iOS, Android 7.1.2, Android 8.1, Android 9.0, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, Android 13.0

Application Category: Finance Application

Editor's Rating:


  • It has a quick and simple registration procedure. The seamlessness of the registration process makes it easy for everyone, including newbies, to sign up. Furthermore, Quantum AI does not require any KYC to start.
  • It claims a 90% success rate. We do not know how true this is, but we know that Quantum AI would not be as popular if it weren't as good as the developers claim.
  • Quantum AI is easy to use. The platform aims to simplify the entire trading process, so they have included a collection of tools that will make it easy for you to trade and make a profit without hassle. Quantum AI is one of the simplest trading services in the cryptocurrency market.
  • There are no fees. Most people are wary of using platforms like this because of the fees. Quantum AI does not charge any registration or licensing fees. You only need your trading capital to get started.
  • It is one of the greatest trading bot options for newbies because not only is it a fully automatic trading bot, but it also comes with an automated trading mode for new traders. So even if you are new to the crypto trading market, you will still be able to keep up. If you are still learning the ropes, Quantum AI also has a demo option that lets you understand how the platform works before you can start trading.
  • For advanced traders who are confident in their skills as traders, the bot also offers adjustable settings so that you can customize your trading to the level that best works for you.
  • Quantum AI deals with regulated brokers. All the brokers are registered with the necessary regulatory bodies and will follow the rules set by these bodies. Quantum AI guarantees the security of its users' assets and strengthens its claim to legitimacy.
  • Quantum AI offers a high level of trading accuracy. The bot can open and close trades in less than a millisecond. In a market where speed is important, this feature gives you an edge over your competition by reducing the time you spend executing trades on volatile markets.
  • Quantum AI also has one of the lowest commission rates of all trading bots to convince people to use the platform. The trading commission is 0.01%. What is great about this low commission is it ensures all traders have access to great trading options.
  • Quantum AI is also great because of how easy it is to access. You can use Quantum AI from anywhere as long as you have access to the internet. It is available in most countries. The login process is easy too. What's more, if you have any issues while using the platform, the customer service team is always on standby and ready to answer your questions.
  • Quantum AI also offers a high level of flexibility. You can trade with popular coins or choose the more exotic cryptocurrencies. However, cryptocurrency isn't the only option available to traders. You can trade Forex and other security options to choose from.


  • We have already mentioned this, but the anonymity of the developers and owners of the app might count as a red flag. However, this is not strange in the crypto market.
  • Although the No KYC for registration policy that Quantum AI has is great for saving time and easing the registration process, unfortunately, it also means that there is no way to screen users, giving rise to some unscrupulous characters.
  • Another problem with the Quantum AI bot is the minimum deposit required. To use the platform, prospective traders need a deposit of $250. While this is not unreasonable, it is still on the high side and might reduce the number of people using the platform.
  • The developers of Quantum AI make a lot of claims about its benefits. The 90% success rate is one such claim. However, there is no way to confirm these claims because the product is not available for backtesting. They do this to protect their products from cheap duplicates, but it still makes it difficult to test their claims.
  • The Quantum AI bot is NOT in all locations, so not everybody can reap the platform's benefits.
  • No matter how great a trading bot is, it is still a bot and can be risky, especially in a volatile market like cryptocurrency. If you are to use the platform, ensure you understand the risks that follow.
  • The platform does not have an app. You can only access the platform using the platform's website and a browser. It might be a bit challenging for users who are not used to this.

Quantum AI Highlights

🤖 Robot Type:Trading Robot
🔑 Official Quantum AI website?N/A
💸 Minimum Deposit:$250
🚀 Claimed Win Rate:90%
💰 Trading Fees:Small commission on profits
💰 Account Fees:$0
💰 Deposit/Withdrawal Fees:$0
💰 Software cost:$0
⌛ Withdrawal Timeframe:24 Hours
💲 Supported Fiats:USD, EUR, GBP
💱 Trading ForexUnavailable
📊 Leverage:5000:1
📱 Native Mobile App:No
🖥️ Free Demo Account:Yes
🎧 Customer Support:Contact form, Email, Phone
✅ Verification required:KYC
🔁 Automated Trading:Yes
📈 CFD AvailableYes

Quantum AI Trading Review- Key Points

  • Quantum AI is an automated platform that carries out your trading transactions for you. It is safe, reliable, and secure and uses sophisticated hardware and artificial intelligence to maximize profit generation.
  • The platform boasts a 90% success rate. Although this is hard to believe, there has to be a reason the platform is one of the most popular Autotraders in the market.
  • It is very flexible and allows you to trade on various CPDs. It also allows you to trade in other markets apart from cryptocurrency. It allows you to trade the Forex and stock markets. You can do all this using an internet-enabled device, the platform’s website, and any browser.
  • The registration is free and doesn’t come with any deposit, withdrawal, or management fee. You do have to pay a 0.01% commission on every trade you make.
  • Before you can start trading on this platform, you need to deposit $250. This is the minimum deposit.
  • When you signup for Quantum AI, you get access to their Demo account, where you can practice trading on the crypto market without risk. It lets you get comfortable using the platform.
  • You can fund your account using bank transfers and credit or debit cards. The platform accepts payment using any of the major fiat currencies.
  • Quantum AI is a reliable trading tool that is a great addition to the arsenal of new and seasoned traders. It comes with many advantages that are too good to ignore.

What Is Quantum AI Trading?

The Quantum AI Bot is a trading system that automates crypto trading processes, allowing traders to optimize their trading experience. It tries to guarantee maximum profit by finding the right entry and exit positions for your trade.

The Quantum AI Bot is what happens when skilled trading and excellent mathematics combine. The makers of Quantum AI want to ensure that people who love trading cryptocurrency make some profits in the process.

These tidbits of information are all we know about them. We do not know who they are or any other detail about them, and in a way, this could be a turn-off for people who want to use the platform. However, anonymity is not strange in the cryptocurrency industry. Many legit crypto services do not share any information on their owners. The owners probably remain anonymous so that the real focus is placed on what matters; trading load and profit maximization,

How does the Quantum AI bot do this? The bot uses AI and machine learning to search and analyze the market. It locates trends and, using these trends, finds the best entry and exit points to ensure optimized earnings.

According to the developers of the Quantum AI bot, traders are guaranteed a successful trade 90% of the time. This claim is not something we can refute or support. However, we urge traders to be careful even when using bots, as the crypto market is highly volatile.

What Is Quantum AI Trading?

The Quantum AI Bot is a trading system that automates crypto trading processes, allowing traders to optimize their trading experience. It tries to guarantee maximum profit by finding the right entry and exit positions for your trade.

The Quantum AI Bot is what happens when skilled trading and excellent mathematics combine. The makers of Quantum AI want to ensure that people who love trading cryptocurrency make some profits in the process.

These tidbits of information are all we know about them. We do not know who they are or any other details about them, and in a way, this could be a turn-off for people who want to use the platform. However, anonymity is not strange in the cryptocurrency industry. Many legit crypto services do not share any information with their owners. The owners probably remain anonymous so that the real focus is placed on what matters; trading load and profit maximization,

How does the Quantum AI bot do this? The bot uses AI and machine learning to search and analyze the market. It locates trends and, using these trends, finds the best entry and exit points to ensure optimized earnings.

According to the developers of the Quantum AI bot, traders are guaranteed a successful trade 90% of the time. This claim is not something we can refute or support. However, we urge traders to be careful even when using bots, as the crypto market is highly volatile.

Quantum AI
Quantum AI is a trading robot reportedly powered by artificial intelligence and uses machine learning to speculate on FX prices.

Quantum AI Key Features

Fast Trading

In the cryptocurrency market, every second counts because of how volatile it is. Entering or exiting a trade a second too early or late can be the difference between making a huge profit or losing all your money. You can’t always be there paying attention to your trades; even if you could, you are still open to human error.

Quantum AI states that it can give you that 0.01-second edge you need to stay ahead of those using other platforms. But this isn’t the only speedy thing about the platform. They also offer quick cash withdrawals within 24 hours without fees, delays, or difficulty. 

Automated Trading System

Quantum AI is fully automated, so the bot will handle all your trades automatically unless you opt out or adjust the settings. However, the system also allows flexibility and adjustments, so you can control just how much control the bot has over your trades.

Adjustable Settings

For users who are confident in their trading skills, the Quantum AI platform allows for adjustments. You can program your bot to perform specific activities based on your trading strategy. This feature is great for performing activities not included in the bot’s automated mode.

Multi-Asset Support

This feature sets Quantum AI apart from its competitors. Most crypto trading bots focus on trading cryptocurrencies and crypto-related assets. On the other hand, Quantum AI can be used to trade other asset forms, including currency pairs, stocks, and commodities. It is loaded with an algorithm that makes trading these alternative assets easy to achieve, so no matter what you decide to trade on, you have a high chance of making profits.

Demo Accounts

Are you worried you do not know enough about trading with bots to give it a go? Quantum AI Trading Bot comes with a demo account feature that lets you practice without risk and at no cost.

This feature does not require a deposit, and you are not risking real money. It gives you a feel of the trading experience, so you know what you are getting into. This feature is not meant for beginners alone, though. Advanced users can use this feature to create new trading strategies without the risk of losing money.

You can only access the demo feature of Quantum AI after you have registered.

Easy Sign Up

Quantum AI has one of the simplest signup processes among trading bots. It does not demand much information, just the basics. All you need is your name, a functioning phone number, and an email address. Quantum AI does not require KYC, so the registration and approval process is significantly shortened.

Number Of Cryptos CFD Available

Quantum AI only supports three cryptocurrencies. But they offer trading options of more than 60 different cryptos CPDS. These crypto CPDs result from a combination of these cryptocurrencies with each other and other leading currencies. This feature gives traders more flexibility by offering them various trading options and opportunities to choose from.

This multi-currency support also means traders can open multiple trading positions simultaneously. So while it might be lacking in versatility (3 currencies isn’t that much, to be honest), Quantum AI offers suffers enough flexibility.

Multiple Payment Option

Quantum AI offers multiple payment options to further boost flexibility and ease of use. You can use your debit or credit cards for deposits. You can also make bank transfers.

How Does Quantum AI Trading Work?


Quantum AI is great because of how affordable it is. The signup process does not come with any fee and is very easy to complete. All you need is your name, email address, and phone number. Once the registration and approval are complete, you officially become a member of the Quantum AI family free of charge.

Account Opening FeeN/A
Annual Fee or Membership FeeN/A
Inactivity FeeN/A
Maintenance feeN/A
Transaction feeN/A
Withdrawal FeeN/A

The free registration process isn’t the only reason this platform is deemed affordable. It has a minimum deposit of $250, which might look like a lot of money when taken out of context, but in the cryptocurrency market, $250 is relatively affordable. Moreover, this isn’t necessarily a fee, as the money still belongs to you; you are just using it for investments.

However, Quantum AI charges a commission for each of your trades. The commission is 0.01% of each trade, and you are charged regardless of whether you made a profit. Now, this might seem unfair, especially when compared with other trading bots that do not charge for trades, but if you look at the bigger picture, you might realize that you are the one at an advantage. If you have a solid trading strategy, you will not pay as much in fees as you would for trading bots with withdrawal fees.

Apart from this commission, Quantum AI does not charge a cent extra for anything else. Deposits and withdrawals are free, and all the tools on their platform, including the demo option, are free for every registered member.


Quantum AI Trading is an automated platform, so it would be weird if the trading process weren’t automatic. However, the beautiful thing about how Quantum AI automates your trades is how flexible the process is.

Quantum AI has a single goal: to ensure all its users have a seamless trading process regardless of their skill set. Everyone can use the platform to execute trades. For beginners, the process is simplified, so you can start trading immediately.

For seasoned traders, the platform allows you to create your strategy and make adjustments until the platform is optimized to the level you want it. It is perfect for carrying out high-frequency trading.

The platform is highly accurate too. It claims a 90% success rate, and while we might advise you not to stake your decisions based on this number, we know that Quantum AI is better than your average novice trader. So if you are a newbie, this should be good enough. The platform allows you to do that if you would rather make your trades

Minimum Deposit And Withdrawal Limits

We have already mentioned that you must make a minimum deposit of $250 before starting trading on the platform. This amount is relatively affordable and is quite common among trading bots.

The good news is that there are no maximum deposit or withdrawal limits. And the deposit limit is not the same thing as position sizes. While you can only deposit $250, you can trade positions smaller or larger than $250.


When you look at the Quantum AI platform, there are a few red flags. The anonymity of the creators and owners is the most obvious. Another is the claim it makes at a 90% success rate, which is most likely more of a marketing gimmick than a red flag.

Despite all these, you can still tell that Quantum AI is a worthwhile trading bot. It was created by a group of mathematicians and trading experts. These people know their onions and are always on top of the trends, which means they keep updating the platform to give you the best trading experience.

The creators also seem determined to ensure the security of the users’ assets. They work with regulated brokerage firms and ensure that all the brokers on their site are regulated by the Cypris Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC).

When you create an account on the platform, a regulated broker in your area is assigned to you so you can get secure and localized service. 

If you are still unsure, conduct your research and compare the platform to others like it to see how well it fares in terms of security.

User Friendly

Trading in cryptocurrency is already hard enough. If you use a platform to trade, you would want one that makes the process a bit easier.

Fortunately, Quantum AI is designed just for that. You can use Quantum AI no matter your level of expertise, and you will still be able to grasp the process. The flexibility and ease of configuration mean you adjust to any market condition.

However, do not be fooled by the platform’s sense of security. Quantum AI might look very simple to operate, but you must be careful. You are making decisions with financial consequences, so use the platform wisely.

Customer Support

Quantum AI wants you to make a profit without the usual stress and finger-biting. The creators also know that you might run into a wall while using the platform, so they have placed a customer service team working round the clock to ensure all your questions are answered, and you get all the assistance you need.

Quantum AI Trading claims its customer service is top-notch and dependable. The customer service team is useful and can assist no matter the situation. However, we advise you to avoid any situation requiring help from Quantum AI’s customer service representatives. 

Methods For Funding And Withdrawing

Quantum AI accepts funding using credit or debit cards as this is the most convenient for everyone. However, you can also use bank transfers for your payment. These methods work with any of the fiat currencies used in the locations where this platform is available. The most common fiat currencies for payments include EUR, GBP, JPY, and AUD.

Quantum AI ensures that all its customers have access to these payment methods and that its users have several payment options. This accessibility is another reason Quantum AI is so popular.

Demo Account

When do you enter a trade, and when would it become foolish to stay in that trade? Knowing the perfect entry and exit point is necessary because it makes all the difference. You will maximize profits and reduce losses if you enter and leave a trade at the right time. But identifying these points is usually easier said than done.

This is where Quantum AI’s demo account feature comes in handy. With this feature, you are analyzing the market and making trades without any associated risks. You can test out any strategy you want without the fear of losing your money. And the best thing is that you can access this demo feature on any device with internet access as long as you are a registered member of the Quantum AI community.

Asset Variety

At first glance, it might look like Quantum AI does not offer a variety of assets. You can only trade using 3 coins, but this isn’t necessarily the case. With Quantum AI, you can trade more than 60 different cryptos CPDS. You can also trade on the Forex and stock markets with the platform’s adjusting algorithm to give you the best experience.

This variety is a great bonus because we believe in distributing your investments across various assets to ensure you maximize profits, diversify your portfolio, and remain financially stable. A diverse portfolio also serves as a hedge during economic downturns. Quantum AI is one way to do all this and more.

Is Quantum AI Trading Legit Or A Scam?

Let’s answer the question that has been on your mind since reading this review. Is Quantum AI scam or legit? Let’s try to answer this question by looking at some of the facts we gathered.

  • A look at the user testimonials on this platform will review a mix of good and bad reviews. This is expected, as cryptocurrency trading comes with a risk, and not everyone will be satisfied with what they get. Using the right strategy, many users have made a profit.
  • Quantum AI claims to work with only regulated brokers, which means your assets are relatively safe.
  • Using the platform is easy, and the process is straightforward. The customer service agents will address any difficulty you encounter. With the Quantum AI platform, you can make trading decisions in seconds.
  • Reports on the customer service team of Quantum AI are controversial. However, this seems more of a regional problem than a general one. Quantum AI is also doing its best to ensure all-around customer satisfaction.

What is our verdict? Quantum AI has all the signs of a legitimate Autotrader. However, cryptocurrency trading is still a risky prospect. Conduct proper research before making any decision concerning Quantum AI and the cryptocurrency trading market as a whole.

How Does Oil Profit App Work?

Before we wrap up this Quantum AI review, let’s check out the procedure for signing up for the service. Following the four simple steps outlined below will provide you with a comprehensive walkthrough of everything you need to do to get started trading with Oil Profit. Each of these steps can be finished in fewer than ten minutes.

Join The Platform For Free

To join the Quantum AI community, you must stay in a location that lets you trade cryptocurrencies and retail contracts for difference (CFDs). Creating an account is free and easy. You can complete your part of the process in minutes.

All you have to do is fill out the registration form on Quantum AI’s website with the necessary details. All that is required are your name, email address, phone number, and a strong password. Once you click enter and are verified, you automatically become part of the Quantum AI trading community.

The platform does not require any other information, personal or otherwise, to complete your registration. Once you have completed the registration process, a confirmation email will be sent to you, verifying your account and confirming your account broker.

Verify Identification

You will be transferred to your account broker. You will have to submit some sort of identification document to complete your registration with the broker. Once this identification period is over, you can deposit capital and start trading. You can make this deposit to your broker using cards or bank transfers. The minimum deposit 9is $250

Funds For Deposit

You have created your account and can now start making deposits in them. The process is easy, but the amount scares most people.

$250 is a lot of money to most people, which is understandable, but it would be better to look at this money as an investment. You are not paying it to anyone; you are trying to profit from it.

Once you have made your deposit, visit your dashboard and start customizing your automation process. The platform’s algorithm will handle the trades while your broker handles the money.

Live Trading Begins

Quantum AI has a tutorial video on how to set up your trading account on the resource’s dashboard. Once you set up, the platform will use the power of AI and quantum computing to analyze the market and recommend supposedly profitable trades. 

You can customize almost every detail of the platform using the control panel, creating strategies that work best if you are a seasoned trader.

However, we advise newbies not to jump into trading immediately but to use the demo account to get the hang of how things work.


Do Any Celebrities Endorse Quantum AI?

Cryptocurrency has become a popular topic, and Autotraders are almost as popular. Everyone is talking about it, and the internet and social media are buzzing with news about which celebrity or person of interest is using what platform.
However, no evidence exists that any celebrity has taken a keen interest in Quantum AI. However, this does not take away from the legitimacy of the platform. It also does not mean that these celebrities are not trading in cryptocurrency.

Quantum AI Elon Musk

Elon Musk is the richest man in the world. He is also one of the few who has thrown his weight behind cryptocurrency and the blockchain. He has made known his affiliation with Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people want to know if he is invested in Quantum AI.
This curiosity could be because Elon Musk said in an interview that he wanted to invest in advanced technology and Quantum AI. This interview got the pens of many internet journalists and bloggers racing. Unfortunately, Elon was not referring to the Quantum AI Autotrader, and there is no evidence proving that he has shown any form of interest in the Autotrader.

Quantum AI Tesla

There are speculations that Tesla is invested in Quantum AI; however, much like the creator, Elon Musk, Tesla does not seem interested in investing in Quantum AI.

Quantum AI Amazon Prime

Even though Amazon accepts cryptocurrency as a mode of payment, there is no proof that the platform is invested in or interested in Quantum AI.

Quantum AI Bill Gates

The one-time richest man in the world and tech billionaire Bill Gates has been the subject of various speculations, but a cryptocurrency-related one is unlikely to be one of them. Bill Gates constantly shows his aversion to currency; it does not look like that will change in the future. There is no chance that he has any investment in Quantum AI.

Quantum AI Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay is a popular celebrity TV chef often referred to as the greatest chef in the world. He owns a restaurant chain and headline shows focused on food. However, he has never been vocal about cryptocurrency, and there is no proof of any claim that he is interested in or endorsing Quantum AI.

Quantum AI Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban is a billionaire with a serious interest in cryptocurrency and the crypto market. He has been very vocal about his support, so it would have made the news if he were interested in Quantum AI. Sadly, this is not the case.

Quantum AI Peter Jones

Peter Jones is a Dragons Den panellist. He is known for his love of tech projects and doesn’t shy away from funding tech companies when such needs arise. However, there is no confirmation of any speculation that this panellist funds or endorses Quantum AI.

Quantum AI Dragons Den

Dragons Den is a TV program where entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to multimillionaires hoping to get investments. The investors are fans of technology and cryptocurrency innovations. There have been certain rumours that they invested in Quantum AI, but at the time of writing this review, there wasn’t any truth to this story.

The Verdict

This review looked at important details about the Quantum AI Trading platform and what makes it so popular.

This platform provides you with all the resources to start your crypto-trading journey. It has all the necessary tools and even contains tutorials so you can learn the best way to use the platform,

But the platform isn’t for newbies only. Seasoned traders also have something to gain from using this platform.

In summary, Quantum AI Trading is a platform that allows you to automate your trading process and make a profit while at it. It has disadvantages, but the advantages of this platform establish it as one of the best trading platforms in the market.


This website does not provide financial, investment, trading, or other advice. Any information provided should not be considered advice. Dex.ag does not advise that you purchase, sell, or hold any cryptocurrency. Be sure to thoroughly research any investment and consult your financial advisor before deciding.